254週目:A Note to Myself
Benjamin Grahamの有名な言葉 ”In the short run, the market is a voting machine, but in the long run, it is a weighing machine”を借りるなら、今回や留学中の評価は、Voting Machineであり、Weighing Scaleではない。
Palo Altoも、よく言えばフットワークが軽くてクレージーさが評価されるが、悪く言えば軽薄な場所。流行に身をさらすことには意味があるが、流されてしまっては意味がない。
ただ、Weighing Scale的な側面があるとすれば、それはずっと前から応援してくれて来た人たちだと思う。
Knight Hennessy Scholarsについては、実績が認められた嬉しさも、新しい挑戦への興奮もある反面、クローズドなElitismの世界に引きこもってしまうことへの恐れもある。
Stanford GSBだから、Knight Hennessyだから、で開けることのできる扉があまりにも多く、勘違いしてしまいそうになる。
Congratulations. You made it. You are no longer nobody. The world started to see who you are and who you can be. That's truly fortunate.
But not being nobody doesn't mean you are somebody. It won't define who you are.
Keep your goals high, stay true to your authentic self, don't be deceived by who others think you are or who you think you should be. That's a trap. There's no true leadership there.
Riding on the Wave
You need to ride on this wave. But you shouldn't let the wave decide where you go.
Be the master of your own faith. Don't lose focus. Double down on what you have been pursuing when nobody cared about you. Nothing has changed.
Don't fear being swallowed by the wave. Fear the failure to try and challenge the big wave.
Be grateful for public recognition. These applauds are for your painstaking effort 10 years ago and for those who supported your journey; the applauds are not meant for you today.
Pushing the Boundaries
If you are not failing, you are not pushing yourself hard enough.
Try new things. If you are torn between yes and no, say no. If you want to say no, say yes. Now is the time to explore what you have never felt comfortable.
Constantly reflect on yourself. Ruthlessly prioritize what you do. Drop everything that doesn't matter. There are not many opportunities in life when you can really do that. Now is the time.
People around You
Don't forget those who believed in you before today.
They are the ones who know who you are.
Ask for their feedback. Change what needs to change and keep what they cherish in you.